Will You Call Your Representative Today?

Tallahassee CapitalPersonhood Florida is joining John Stemberger and the Florida Family Policy Council in Tallahassee, FL Monday and Tuesday (January 25-27) to lobby our FL senators and representatives to and to deliver Personhood Florida’s Petition to Defund Planned Parenthood to Governor Rick Scott’s office. We need your help to make our trip a success. Will you help us? We need your help in the following ways:

1. Pray for God to open the hearts of Florida senators and representatives and Governor Scott to enjoy and defend life.

2. Call your representative and senator and urge them to defend all innocent human life without exception. (Find your FL Representative here: http://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Representatives/myrepresentative.aspx. Find your FL Senator here: http://www.flsenate.gov/Senators/Find.)

3. Sign Personhood FL’s Petition to Defund Planned Parenthood. We will deliver the petitions to Governor Rick Scott’s office while in Tallahassee.

4. Help Personhood FL continue to educate legislators and voters on the sanctity of human life by making a generous donation today.

Permanent link to this article: https://personhoodflprolifepac.com/2016/01/24/will-you-call-your-representative-today/