Ever Regret a Vote?
There’s nothing worse than realizing you voted for the wrong candidate! Don’t let this happen to you! Help is on the way! Join us this Thursday, August 18, 2016 for our Primary Election 2016 Conference Call and Webcast. You can join the call by registering for Personhood FL’s August Volunteer Call here. You can join the webcast at our facebook page, and if you miss the call or webcast, you can watch and listen to the call in it’s entirety on our facebook page.
We’ll go over the local voter guides available at FLVotesValues.com, Personhood FL ProLife PAC’s list of Endorsed ProLife Candidates running for federal, state, district, and local races in, and the Florida Family Policy Council Interactive Voter Guide here. And we’ll answer your questions live.
Join Personhood FL President, Pastor Bryan Longworth, Thursday, August 18 from 8:00 – 9:00 pm EST to learn where the candidates stand on the issues that matter most to you and how you can be a part of a team to help voters in your county vote their values. The call will last only one hour and will be packed full of information you can use to inform voters in your area. Register for Personhood FL’s August Volunteer Call here.
Help Personhood FL spread the word about the voter guide by sharing this email with your friends, printing and distributing voter guides in your church and community, sharing our voter guide posts on facebook, and by making a generous donation today.
You’ll also learn how you can help Personhood Florida restore the culture of life. Personhood Florida President, Pastor Bryan Longworth, and Volunteer Director, David Borrero will share about the many ways you can help Personhood FL work toward the day when all humans, born and preborn, will be protected.
Register for Personhood FL’s August Volunteer Call here.
Pastor Bryan Longworth’s Bio

Pastor Bryan Longworth
Pastor Bryan Longworth is the number one ranked prolifer and on Twitter (@BryanLongworth) with over 222,000 followers, serves as the director of Personhood FL, a prolife organization working to pass the Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment that will end abortion and protect all innocent human life in FL, as the associate pastor at Covenant Tabernacle in Port St. Lucie, FL, and as the director of SOHL, Sanctity of Human Life of the Treasure Coast. Longworth is a Wall Builders Black Robe Regiment Pastor and a Family Research Council (FRC) Watchmen on the Wall Pastor. Longworth has participated in the Alliance Defending Freedom’s (ADF) Pulpit Freedom Sunday since 2010.
As a missionary to the preborn in the early 1990s, Longworth spent 3 years in jail for peacefully protecting preborn children from abortion. Longworth continues to be involved in the pro-life movement and in calling the church and our nation to repentance. The church and America needs revival and reformation like never before. The blood of over 60 million children cries from the ground for vengeance, and God will avenge! God send us a true move of God lest we perish in our iniquity!
Pastor Bryan is married to Jessica Longworth. Together they have two children.