
PAC Guidelines for Candidate Endorsement

Candidate Procedure for Receiving Personhood FL ProLife PAC’s Endorsement

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Personhood FL is a statewide organization whose fundamental purpose is to engage in activities that will restore respect and effective legal protection to all human beings from the moment of fertilization until natural death.

If you seek the Personhood FL ProLife PAC endorsement, we ask that you do the following:

  1. Read our Pro-Life Principles in order to familiarize yourself with our legislative intentions, mission statement, and pro-life strategies.
  2. Once you feel comfortable that you agree with our ProLife Principles, please sign the Personhood Affirmation Form (on pages 23 of the ProLife Principles). Your signature on page 23 indicates your full agreement with where we stand on the important sanctity of life issues of our day.
  3. Sign the Sanctuaries for Life Petition (on page 25 of the ProLife Principles).
  4. Return signed originals of both to Personhood FL ProLife PAC, P.O. Box 493000, Leesburg, FL 34749 or 7190 S US Highway 1, Port St Lucie, FL 34952. For the primary election for federal, state, and local candidates, signed forms must physically arrive in our office or delivered electronically by Friday, August 17, 2024 to be eligible for endorsement..

After these steps have been completed our PAC will review all the information and will make our endorsement decision. Endorsement decisions will be made irrespective of party affiliation and at the sole discretion of Personhood FL ProLife PAC. If you are endorsed, you will be notified of our decision by email. It is very important that you assist us in following these PAC procedures. You are NOT endorsed until you receive an email from us explicitly stating an endorsement by our PAC. Until you receive confirmation of our endorsement, you are NOT permitted to use our logo, quotes from our staff or board members, or claim a Personhood FL ProLife PAC endorsement in your campaign material.

Benefits of Endorsement

  • White-Listed in our Pre-election Voter’s Guide

  • Listing on Personhood FL ProLife PAC’s website and promotion on Facebook and Twitter including the Facebook and Twitter account of Personhood FL President Bryan Longworth which has more than 4,500 friends and 215,000 followers respectively.

  • Access to a premier targeted list of prolife, profamily Florida voters for your race.

Personhood FL ProLife PAC’s ProLife Principles

All candidates running for office must sign the Personhood FL ProLife PAC Personhood Affirmation Statement (page 23) and The Right to Life of All Persons Recognized and Protected proposed amendment to the FL Constitution (page 25) in order to be considered for endorsement. Personhood FL ProLife PAC’s Personhood Affirmation Statement is listed below. If you are a candidate running for office and you are seeking an endorsement, please download the Pro-Life Principles file by clicking here and return the Personhood Affirmation Statement found on page 23 to Personhood FL ProLife PAC, 7190 S US Highway 1, Port St Lucie, FL 34952 by the appropriate dates listed above.

Personhood Affirmation

WHEREAS, the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states, “nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law,” Personhood FL ProLife PAC affirms the principle that the right to life is the bedrock upon which all other Constitutional rights are derived;

IN ADDITION, we believe, in the face of compelling biological evidence, that a continuum of human life and personhood begins at the moment of fertilization and ends at natural death, the ethical treatment of human embryos must include their “best interests;”

THEREFORE, I affirm my support for The Right to Life of All Persons Recognized and Protected proposed Amendment to the Florida Constitution, The Florida Personhood Act, and other actions that would support these principles. This would assure that regardless of race, age, degree of disability, manner of conception, or circumstances surrounding a terminal illness, that the civil rights of the pre-born at an embryonic or fetal level, the elderly, and those with mental or physical infirmities are protected by law; and are violated when we allow destructive embryonic stem cell research, therapeutic or reproductive cloning, animal human hybrids, abortion (in the rare case that the mother’s life is indeed endangered by a continuation of the pregnancy, sound medical practice would dictate that every effort be made to save both lives), infanticide, euthanasia or assisted suicide.

Personhood FL ProLife PAC will regard a vote for legislation containing language in violation to that described above in our ProLife Principles document as a vote in direct opposition to the Affirmation you signed. This action will result in immediate removal of your Personhood FL ProLife PAC endorsement and will be reported in subsequent communications from Personhood FL to the grassroots activists in our state.

Affirmation for Endorsement

I agree to uphold these principles and positions.

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Candidate Endorsement Guidelines

Endorsed Candidates

Personhood FL ProLife PAC endorses Republicans, Democrats, and NPA candidates for every office from US House to Supervisor of Soil and Water Conservation and every position in-between. All endorsed candidates signed a Personhood Affirmation indicating their agreement to Personhood FL ProLife PAC’s comprehensive prolife principles covering not only abortion but also abortion funding, RU-486, fetal …


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  1. Awesome!

  2. A PRO Life Candidate.

    1. Thank You !

  3. Great job! This is raising the standard of what it truly means to be prolife in the 21st century. It is not enough to be "anti-abortion" but we must cherish and defend all life from biological beginning to natural death. Every person is precious. Let's be Floridians and "…Enjoy and Defend LIFE…" ( FL Constitution).

  4. Great job! This is raising the standard of what it truly means to be prolife in the 21st century. It is not enough to be "anti-abortion" but we must cherish and defend all life from biological beginning to natural death. Every person is precious. Let's be Floridians and "…Enjoy and Defend LIFE…" ( FL Constitution).

  5. I am the only 100% pro-life candidate in my race. Thanks for setting up a forum that Pro-Life Christian candidates can tell their constituents their views on the sanctity of life.

  6. I am in Precinct 541 in Sarasota County, can anyone tell me why I have only 2 candidates that have signed this petition Dave Weldon for US Senattor and John Scolaro Carter Review Board Dist. 5?
    This is a disgrace, and they dare to call themselves conservatives.

    • Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins on August 27, 2012 at 9:51 pm
    • Reply

    Personhood FL ProLife PAC endorses Thomas Cruz-Wiggins for Congress in the 27th District of Florida. Candidate Cruz-Wiggins is also Pro Family. Learn more at

    • Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins on August 27, 2012 at 9:51 pm
    • Reply

    Personhood FL ProLife PAC endorses Thomas Cruz-Wiggins for Congress in the 27th District of Florida. Candidate Cruz-Wiggins is also Pro Family. Learn more at

  7. Pursuant to your pro-life 'principles.:' A rapist IS NOT the 'father.' He's the sperm donor. Also, while I support giving birth even in case of rape or incest, I'm not sure how I would feel if my wife or daughter were attacked, nor would I legislate against others placed in the same position. JS Candidate for Congress – 17th Dist, Fl.

    • Diana Kline on July 12, 2014 at 8:34 pm
    • Reply

    What do you mean by "nor would I legislate against others placed in the same position [of rape]" ? Most women who are raped WANT to keep their baby. The sad reality is that in today's culture of death most people around that raped woman are the guilty party for telling the rape victim that she should get an abortion. Those people say that out of their own personal conditioned view associated a rape conceived baby as some sort of alien or demon seed. Every baby is created in the image of God, regardless of how they were conceived. A rape exception keeps ALL abortion legal. NO MORE EXCEPTIONS!!! If you're going to call yourself "pro-life" then mean whole-heartedly–STOP with the exceptions.

  8. Pursuant to the United State Supreme Court decision, 1973, Roe vs.Wade and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania. vs. Casey, 1992. Women should have a choice under certain circumstences without undue burden interference from the State during previability period.

    • Diana Kline on July 17, 2014 at 12:13 pm
    • Reply

    Dominique, Please provide an applicable example of "certain circumstances."

  9. When will you post your candidate endorsements for the 2014 primary?

  10. Dominique Simon Do you agree that under certain circumstances women should have a choice to pay an abortionist to rip the arms and legs off of their preborn children (i.e. abortion)?

  11. Dominique Simon Dominique Simon Do you agree that under certain circumstances women should have a choice to pay an abortionist to rip the arms and legs off of their preborn children (i.e. abortion)?

  12. Thanks!

    • Dan Dougherty on August 13, 2014 at 10:29 pm
    • Reply

    How frequently will this list of candidates be updated?

  13. We have updated it several times throughout the primary process, and I'll have newly endorsed candidates up this morning. Please check back later today. Thank you.

  14. This is great!

  15. Why do 2014 dates showing for voters ?

  16. I have been a Republician more importantly a conservative since the day I turned 18, I belive strongly in the Constitution and am 100% pro life. With everything going on I learned about this survey to late to turn it in on time, however after I win the primary for Sheriff of Putnam County maybe they will rendorse for the general election.

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