Category: Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia
Physician Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia
Filed under Abortion, Adoption, Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia, Cloning, Fetal Stem Cell Research, Florida, Government, Incest, Issues, ProLife Personhood Amendment, Rape and Incest Exception, Tax Funding of Abortions, United States of America
May 12, 2013
Where Would you be without your mother? Without your mother bearing you in her womb, you wouldn’t be here today, and without care after birth, you also wouldn’t be here.
Certainly, we owe our lives to our mothers. Aren’t you glad your mother chose life? I know I am.
Yet today, motherhood is under attack! Young women are often taught that children are a
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Filed under Abortion, Adoption, Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia, Candidates, Cloning, Endorsed Candidates, Fetal Stem Cell Research, Florida, Florida House of Representatives, Florida Senate, Government, Incest, Issues, Local (County and City), ProLife Personhood Amendment, Rape and Incest Exception, Tax Funding of Abortions, United States of America, US House of Representatives
November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving from Personhood FL. Aren’t you thankful your mother chose life? I know I am. I’m also thankful that abortion was illegal in my state when I was born. Wouldn’t it be nice if abortion were illegal today? Well, it can be, and you can help it happen!
I’m thankful that you have
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Filed under Abortion, Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia, Candidates, Cloning, Endorsed Candidates, Fetal Stem Cell Research, Florida, Florida House of Representatives, Florida Senate, Government, Incest, Issues, Local (County and City), ProLife Personhood Amendment, Rape and Incest Exception, Tax Funding of Abortions, United States of America, US House of Representatives, US Senate
November 5, 2012
Tuesday, November 6, Floridians will be able to vote for the first time ever for 100% ProLife candidates for federal, state, and local offices. If you haven’t voted yet, Vote ProLife Tuesday, November 6, and after voting collect signatures for the Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment.
We’ve provided voter guide links to help you as you
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Filed under Abortion, Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia, Candidates, Cloning, Endorsed Candidates, Endorsement Guidelines, Fetal Stem Cell Research, Florida, Florida House of Representatives, Florida Senate, Government, Incest, Issues, Local (County and City), ProLife Personhood Amendment, Rape and Incest Exception, Tax Funding of Abortions, United States of America, US House of Representatives, US Senate
October 19, 2012
Personhood FL ProLife PAC today announces it’s general election endorsement of over 40 candidates for federal, state, and local offices across Florida and its position on two of the proposed Florida constitutional amendments. Endorsed candidates include current Congressman
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Filed under Abortion, Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia, Candidates, Cloning, Endorsed Candidates, Endorsement Guidelines, Fetal Stem Cell Research, Florida, Florida House of Representatives, Florida Senate, Government, Incest, Issues, Local (County and City), ProLife Personhood Amendment, Rape and Incest Exception, Tax Funding of Abortions, United States of America, US House of Representatives, US Senate
September 13, 2012
In the primary election, Personhood FL ProLife PAC endorsed over 80 candidates for federal, state, and local offices across Florida including Congressman Tom Rooney and current Florida Representative and candidate for Florida Senate, Kelli Stargel. Personhood FL ProLife PAC endorsed Republicans, Democrats, and NPA and third party candidates for every office from US Senator to Soil and Water Conservation and every position in-between.
Several endorsed candidates won their primary election giving prolife voters an opportunity to
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Filed under Abortion, Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia, Candidates, Cloning, Endorsed Candidates, Endorsement Guidelines, Fetal Stem Cell Research, Florida, Florida House of Representatives, Florida Senate, Government, Incest, Issues, Local (County and City), ProLife Personhood Amendment, Rape and Incest Exception, Tax Funding of Abortions, United States of America, US House of Representatives, US Senate
August 14, 2012
If you haven’t done so yet, pray for God’s will to be done in today’s election, and pray for victory for prolife candidates. If you haven’t voted yet, what are you waiting for? Get out and vote! Remember: Pray, Pray, Pray, and Vote Today!
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Filed under Abortion, Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia, Candidates, Cloning, Endorsed Candidates, Fetal Stem Cell Research, Florida, Florida House of Representatives, Florida Senate, Government, Incest, Issues, Local (County and City), ProLife Personhood Amendment, Rape and Incest Exception, Tax Funding of Abortions, United States of America, US House of Representatives, US Senate
August 13, 2012
Wouldn’t you love to vote twice tomorrow? Well, you can! Obviously, you can’t physically vote twice without breaking the law, and I’m not encouraging you to do so. You can multiply your vote tomorrow however. How? Read below. Chances are: someone you know who is a registered FL voter who isn’t going to vote tomorrow. …
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Filed under Abortion, Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia, Cloning, Fetal Stem Cell Research, Florida, Government, Incest, Issues, ProLife Personhood Amendment, Rape and Incest Exception, Tax Funding of Abortions, United States of America
August 13, 2012
Where do the candidates in your area stand on the sanctity of Human Life. In the past, we’ve had to guess. We’ve had to wonder. In fact in the past, most of the voter guides merely asked the question: Do you oppose abortion except in the cases of rape, incest, and life of the mother? If a candidate answered yes, that candidate was deemed to be
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Filed under Abortion, Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia, Candidates, Cloning, Endorsed Candidates, Fetal Stem Cell Research, Florida, Government, Incest, Issues, ProLife Personhood Amendment, Rape and Incest Exception, Tax Funding of Abortions, United States of America
August 9, 2012
My 11 year old son and I voted for prolife candidates yesterday. That’s right: we voted early! Of course, my son didn’t
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Filed under Abortion, Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia, Candidates, Cloning, Endorsed Candidates, Fetal Stem Cell Research, Florida, Government, Incest, Issues, ProLife Personhood Amendment, Rape and Incest Exception, Tax Funding of Abortions, United States of America
August 3, 2012
Early voting begins tomorrow! Do you know where the candidates stand on the sanctity of human life, tax funding of Planned Parenthood, fiscal responsibility, and more? Voter guides are available to help you with federal and state races across Florida, races in St Lucie County, Port Saint Lucie, and Fort Pierce, and Personhood FL ProLife PAC’s list of ProLife Candidates in Federal, state, and local races across Florida. Get your voter guides here!
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