Tag: ProLife Personhood Amendment
Filed under Abortion, Adoption, Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia, Candidates, Cloning, Endorsed Candidates, Fetal Stem Cell Research, Florida, Florida House of Representatives, Florida Senate, Government, Incest, Issues, Local (County and City), ProLife Personhood Amendment, Rape and Incest Exception, Tax Funding of Abortions, United States of America, US House of Representatives
November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving from Personhood FL. Aren’t you thankful your mother chose life? I know I am. I’m also thankful that abortion was illegal in my state when I was born. Wouldn’t it be nice if abortion were illegal today? Well, it can be, and you can help it happen!
I’m thankful that you have
Permanent link to this article: https://personhoodflprolifepac.com/2012/11/22/happy-thanksgiving-from-personhood-fl-prolife-pac-arent-you-thankful-your-mother-chose-life/
Filed under Abortion, Florida, Florida House of Representatives, Florida Senate, Government, Incest, Issues, ProLife Personhood Amendment, Rape and Incest Exception, Tax Funding of Abortions, United States of America
October 23, 2012
Personhood FL and Personhood FL ProLife PAC have taken a position on two proposed Florida constitutional amendments: Amendment 1 and Amendment 6. Personhood FL and Personhood FL ProLife PAC support Amendment 1 and oppose Amendment 6 for the reasons stated below.
Permanent link to this article: https://personhoodflprolifepac.com/2012/10/23/personhood-fls-position-yes-on-amendment-1-no-on-amendment-6/
We will never forget what happened September 11, 2001. On that day, one’s political party, race, or church didn’t matter. We joined together and cried out for our country that we love so dearly. We joined hands with strangers and cried to God for mercy. The whole world stopped: yes, even our enemies prayed for America. We had taken God out of America, yet 911 put God back into America … for one week! How quickly we went back to our lives forgetting the God who made this country great because
Permanent link to this article: https://personhoodflprolifepac.com/2012/09/10/we-will-never-forget-911/