Thank You for Helping Protect Life!

We Give Thanks to God and to You!

Thanksgiving Family Dinner

Happy Thanksgiving

It is hard to believe that it is that time of year again! A time to give thanks to the Lord for all He has done and for all of you who faithfully support and stand for life! We are created in the image of God, and it is by Him that we are given the inalienable right to life. Here in Florida, our constitution states that we have the right to ‘enjoy and defend life,’ and that is what we are doing at Personhood Florida.

In 2014 you have helped us to:

  • Meet with our legislators in Tallahassee in March and April for Life Days. Since we were there the same day Planned Parenthood descended upon the Capitol, we were able to go behind them with truth and a clear message about why we must protect the sanctity of every human being from the preborn to the elderly and disabled. We also were allowed to set up our Pillars of Personhood display on the Capitol terrace just outside the entrance where we had several news channels stop to do interviews which aired across our state helping spread our message of protection for all Floridians!
  • Proudly join with many pro-life organizations from across the nation to launch the new national group Personhood Alliance in Atlanta which will seek to unite and strategize Personhood on a national level.
  • Impact those legislators who represent us on the national, state, and local level. Through Personhood FL Pro-Life PAC, we endorsed 85 prolife candidates in the primary and general elections. 28 of our endorsed candidates were elected including one US Congressman, one FL Senator, 7 members of the FL House, 10 school board members, one city council member, 5 county commissioners, and more!
  • Continue our education outreach to students and churches as well as our Personhood Amendment ballot initiative. In order to truly bring change to our state and nation, we realize that it starts with changing the hearts and minds of people by raising a standard and being the salt and light of the world.

We want to take this time to say thank you with all our hearts for your help through your prayers, finances, or volunteering in multiple ways. We could not do it without you and we humbly ask for your continued support.

This coming year we need to raise up an army of volunteers in every region and every county of our state, expand our education outreach on campuses and in churches, and continue to educate our representatives at the state and local levels to protect all human life!

Would you prayerfully consider making a contribution to help further advance our mission to establish the right to life for all Floridians? We are so grateful for your assistance in every way! Donate today to help Personhood FL continue to restore the sanctity of human life.


God Bless You!

Pastor Bryan Longworth & the Personhood Florida Team

“O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; For His loving kindness is everlasting!” – I Chronicles 16:34

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