Do You Know a ProLife Candidate We Haven’t Endorsed?

Congressman Tom Rooney

Congressman Tom Rooney

In the primary, Personhood FL ProLife PAC endorsed 80 candidates for federal, state, district, and local offices across Florida. Endorsed candidates include Congressman Tom Rooney and FL House Members Larry Ahern and Ray Rodrigues. Personhood FL ProLife PAC endorsed Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, American Independent Party, and NPA candidates for every office from US Congress to Soil and Water Conservation and every position in-between. View the list of candidates endorsed in the primary here.

Several endorsed candidates won their primaries. One candidate, Jay Fant, won the FL House District 15 race by only two votes! (Don’t ever say your vote doesn’t count!) Some endorsed candidates who won the primary are already elected including candidates for school board, county commission, and the FL House. Among those elected is the youngest member of the FL House of Representative ever, Jennifer Sullivan! We look for even more prolife candidates to win in the general elections.

As Personhood FL ProLife PAC finalizes its list of endorsed general election candidates, we are still accepting endorsement forms from candidates. To qualify for endorsement, prolife candidates must sign a Personhood Affirmation and the The Right to Life of All Persons Recognized and Protected Amendment Petition indicating their agreement to Personhood FL ProLife PAC’s comprehensive prolife principles covering not only abortion but also abortion funding, RU-486, fetal stem cell research, human cloning, fetal tissue research, and assisted suicide and euthanasia. Candidates also affirmed that all humans should have personhood status under the Florida and US Constitutions from the beginning of the biological development of that human being to natural death. Moreover, candidates agreed to defend all innocent human life including the elderly, the disabled, and preborn babies irrespective of their manner of conception. (Read Personhood FL ProLife PAC’s ProLife Principles and Personhood Affirmation here.)

If you know a prolife candidate who is ProLife but isn’t on our list of endorsed candidates, please ask them to review our PAC Guidelines for Candidate Endorsement and submit their Personhood Affirmation and Petition. With your help, we can elect prolife candidates at the local, district, state, and federal levels.

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