Tag: Innocent Blood

Today We Remember the Blood of Over 65 Million Preborn Girls and Boys

Children Carrying a Casket Outside of Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic

Today we remember the blood of over 65 million preborn girls and boys that have been slain on the altar of convenience. It is time that we end the shedding of innocent blood and establish legal protection for all from fertilization to natural death.

Permanent link to this article: https://personhoodflprolifepac.com/2019/01/22/today-we-remember-the-blood-of-over-65-million-preborn-girls-and-boys/

Thank You for Helping Personhood FL Protect Innocent Human Life

Old Woman Baby Hand

All Lives Matter! December 2016 Dear Pro-Life Floridians, We as a nation are poised for the first time in decades to potentially have Supreme Court justices nominated that could indeed bring an end to the shedding of innocent blood. Now, more than any time since the 1973 Roe V. Wade decision that legalized the killing …

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Permanent link to this article: https://personhoodflprolifepac.com/2016/12/30/thank-you-for-helping-personhood-fl-protect-innocent-human-life/